Webhook Examples
Account Updates
Webhooks for account updates are made using the subscription endpoint
"subscriptionId": "DA_GD894ANFUGC",
"trigger": "account:AC_J8T8C7LFJ3V"
Wallet Balance Updates
Webhooks for Wallets are sent as part of our wallets API via the callbackUrl
body parameter in the request to create the wallet.
"createdAt": 1633128935294,
"id": "TF_P3A72QM3EJ3-D",
"source": "transfer:TF_P3A72QM3EJ3",
"dest": "wallet:WA_9H8PB4XP92M",
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 10000,
"status": "CONFIRMED",
"confirmedAt": 1633128935294,
"cancelledAt": null,
"reversedAt": null,
"message": "Deposit for transfer TF_P3A72QM3EJ3",
"allowOverdraft": true,
"authorizer": "account:AC_YC3NT6GEZ8U",
"senderProvidedId": null,
"reversedBy": null,
"fees": 0,
"feesDest": null,
"metadata": {
"transferId": "TF_P3A72QM3EJ3"
"tags": [],
"sourceFees": null,
"destFees": null
Sending bitcoin to a Wyre wallet from an external source:
Transfer Updates
Executing transfers will send multiple payloads to the webhook. The webhook is specified in the notify
"subscriptionId": "DA_6LJNVYMVX7T",
"trigger": "transfer:TF_QA9GMG3GAWV"
"createdAt": 1633130340295,
"id": "TF_QA9GMG3GAWV-D",
"source": "transfer:TF_QA9GMG3GAWV",
"dest": "wallet:WA_9H8PB4XP92M",
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 10,
"status": "CONFIRMED",
"confirmedAt": 1633130340295,
"cancelledAt": null,
"reversedAt": null,
"message": "Deposit for transfer TF_QA9GMG3GAWV",
"allowOverdraft": true,
"authorizer": "account:AC_YC3NT6GEZ8U",
"senderProvidedId": null,
"reversedBy": null,
"fees": 0,
"feesDest": null,
"metadata": {
"transferId": "TF_QA9GMG3GAWV"
"tags": [],
"sourceFees": null,
"destFees": null
Payment Method Updates
Payment Methods can be assigned a webhook via the subscription API. Updates will reference the subscription Id as well as the payment method SRN
"subscriptionId": "DA_MTUL3N78TEN",
"trigger": "paymentmethod:PA_3NYHU8GQYVJ"
Sending Funds to an Address Attached to Payment Method
Sending funds to an auto-liquidating blockchain address (supported currencies only!) will trigger the following payload to the notifyUrl specified in the request payload.
A transfer id is created and sent to the payload that you can query and retrieve details.
"subscriptionId": "DA_CCZRGH7H9CZ",
"trigger": "transfer:TF_DJQGBPPPAA2"
User Updates
User Updates are added by Wyre. Talk to sales to learn more.
Updated almost 3 years ago