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Wallet Order Webhooks

Get order status updates without polling

About the Webhooks

Wallet order webhooks track card payment authorizations and crypto settlement. A successful wallet order will generate two events, one when order status is PROCESSING and again when order status reaches COMPLETE.

referenceIdYour own internal reference id.String, optional
accountIdYour Wyre account id.String, required for the webhook to work.

The webhook will be called for any state change in orders which were submitted with an accountId
that has a webhook URL configured.

Wallet Order Webhook Set Up

To configure a webhook Url for wallet orders (card payments) use the v2/digitalwallet/webhook endpoint. The owner of the webhook is your Wyre (business) account Id as shown here. A successful request will replay the information back to you in response.


A successful webhook configuration replays your request info back to you.

"owner": "account:AC_FF299GFMVUE",
"webhook": ""

Wallet Order Webhook Payload

The referenceId is passed within the Wallet Order Reservation request. You decide the referenceId and use it to track your orders.

    "referenceId": "your_reference_id", // your own id passed in the order creation
    "accountId": "AAAAAAAAAAA", // your Wyre account id
    "orderId": "WO_0000000001", // the wallet order id
    "orderStatus": "PROCESSING", // the order status {PROCESSING, COMPLETE, FAILED}]
    "transferId": "TF_000000001", // OPTIONAL, available when order was completed,  the transfer id
    "failedReason": " OPTIONAL,  some string with failed reason", // if failed, there should be a reason string when possible
    "error": {
        "errorCategory": "GENERAL", //only applicable when failures occur
        "errorCode": "UNABLE_TO_PROCESS", // only applicable when failures occur
        "errorMessage": "We are unable to process your order at this time." // only applicable when failures occur
    "reservation": "BB8M2LUGENAM8NUDTFBW", //reservation id of the order
    "email": "" //email of user sending payment