These docs are for v3. Click to read the latest docs for v4.


This represents the present state of an identifiable, KYC'able entity; either an individual or a business based in a specific country for transacting with Wyre.

It contains a collection of profile Fields, each holding a single datapoint and field verification status. Fields may be approved or rejected individually.

This collection of fields contribute to the overall account verification status. Once all fields have been approved, the account will transition to approved and become eligible for transacting.

Beyond KYC, each account may maintain a ledger balance with Wyre. Deposit addresses are provided for depositing into these ledger balances.

Account Status

Accounts can have one of 4 statuses:

OPENWaiting on action from you or the Account holder.

This is the initial state before all information has been submitted, or after any has failed to pass verifications.
PENDINGInformation has been fully submitted and is waiting on review from Wyre. The Account cannot yet transact.
APPROVEDInformation has been reviewed and accepted by Wyre. The Account is now approved to transact.
CLOSEDThe Account has been closed and may not transact


Account Locks

For fraud or security reasons, accounts may be locked. This results in AccountLockedExceptions being thrown for some or all types of transfers.

Account Types

Accounts can be of two different Types:



Currently only INDIVIDUAL accounts are supported through our API.

INDIVIDUALUsed to register a personal account.
BUSINESSUsed to register a business entity account.

Account Fields

Profile Fields are objects that each represent one KYC data point we collect on the Account, along with its present verification status. A Field has the following properties:

Field ParameterDescription
fieldIdThe specific datapoint encapsulated by the Field. See field IDs.
fieldTypeDefines the format and/or structure of the value parameter. See types
valueA representation of the underlying KYC data. Actual format depends on fieldType
noteA message to the accountholder regarding the field
statusThe current verification status of the field. See statuses

When the Account is created the profileFields array is automatically populated with all of the Fields that must be submitted in order for the Account to be approved and be able to transact.

    "fieldId" : "individualResidenceAddress",
    "fieldType" : "ADDRESS",
    "value" : {
				"street1": "1 Market St",
				"street2": "Suite 402",
				"city": "San Francisco",
				"state": "CA",
				"postalCode": "94105",
				"country": "US"
    "note" : null,
    "status" : "PENDING"

Field Statuses

OPENWaiting on action from you or the Account holder.

This is the initial state before any information has been submitted, or after it has failed to pass verifications.
PENDINGInformation has been fully submitted and is waiting on review from Wyre.
APPROVEDInformation has been reviewed and accepted by Wyre.

Field IDs

fieldId ValueField TypeDescription
individualLegalNameSTRINGThe full legal name of the account holder

Reference this endpoint here: Create Account
individualCellphoneNumberCELLPHONEthe cellphone number of the account holder

Reference this endpoint here: Create Account
individualEmailEMAILthe email address of the account holder

Reference this endpoint here: Create Account
individualResidenceAddressADDRESSthe residence address of the account holder

Reference this endpoint here: Create Account
individualGovernmentIdDOCUMENTa scan or photo of a drivers license or passport of the account holder.

Reference this endpoint here: Upload Document
individualDateOfBirthDATEthe account holder's date of birth

Reference this endpoint here: Create Account
individualSsnSTRINGthe account holder's social security number

Reference this endpoint here: Create Account
individualSourceOfFundsPAYMENT_METHODa payment method that the account holder owns.

Reference this endpoint here:
Payment Method Overview

To add a payment method, reference this endpoint: Create Payment Method
individualProofOfAddressDOCUMENTa utility bill or bank statement. individualProofOfAddress will start in the PENDING state as we will attempt to use the individualSourceOfFunds to fill this requirement. If we aren’t able to verify the address from the user’s bank account we will mark the individualProofOfAddress field as OPEN. When this field is OPEN, the user should be displayed the note on the field and prompted to upload a document

Reference this endpoint here:
Upload Document



Currently only INDIVIDUAL accounts are supported through our API.

Field Types

fieldType valueDescription
CELLPHONEA full cellphone number including country code

e.g. +15554445555
EMAILA correctly formatted email address
ADDRESSAn address object. Address format is:

json { "street1": "1 Market St", "street2": "Suite 402", "city": "San Francisco", "state": "CA", "postalCode": "94105", "country": "US" }
DATESpecifies a particular day. Format is YYYY-MM-DD,

e.g. 1992-12-15
DOCUMENTA binary document. Documents should be uploaded via the Upload Document API. The value returned by the API will be an array of document IDs associated with that Field.

All document IDs uploaded will be retained by the field until review. During review, invalid/unacceptable document IDs will be deleted. Once the field status is APPROVED, then only the actually approved document IDs shall remain.
PAYMENT_METHODA Payment Method record. Payment methods are created using our Payment Method APIs. The value returned by the API will be a string containing the Payment Method ID associated with that Field

Updating Fields

When creating or updating an Account you do not need to submit the full Field object. Instead you can submit a simplified FieldUpdate object which only includes the fieldId and the value.

  "fieldId": "individualLegalName",
  "value": "Johnny Quest"
// OR
  "fieldId": "individualEmail",
  "value": ""

Cases To Expect Auto-Kyc Errors

NOTE: For all cases the system will auto-reject the record that could not be verified.

Personal Detail Records - Possible Rejection Reason
SSN Could not be verified by the system
OFAC Check
Residential Address could not be verified (Cognito) - PO BOX are not accepted

Personal Identification - Possible Rejection Reason
DOB Mismatches with DOB on personal details records.
Data Validation
Identification Expired
Image Quality

Bank Statement - Possible Rejection Reason
Name on Bank Account Mismatch

Electronic Signature - Possible Rejection Reason
OFAC Check

Additional Note: We do fuzzy matching when cross-referencing the data. The most important things are that the name on the id matches the name on (Wyre) account & matches the SSN. Basically ID + name on Wyre account + name on bank account + SSN with the same name if those data points don’t line up it doesn’t necessarily mean we’re going to reject it, but we will do additional manual review.

FAQ: Can manual review still pass if the entered data doesn’t match the data in the document, or does the user have to correct all fields?

Answer:Manual review can always override auto-rejections.